What would you have done if you had been on him or her shoes? Why?
What would you have done if you had been on him or her shoes? Why?
Probably I would have done the same. Sometimes, when you really love someone, you are willing to sacrifice the thing you love the most, or in Della's case, her hair. If we get to the point of making a big sacrificy for the person we love, then is when we can know that we really are inloved with that person, because that person becomes the most importantn thing in the world for us. Everything we give is selfless... we do not even think if the consecuences will be good or bad for us... we just do it, because we love the other... and we want to make him or her happy... just like he or her makes us feel... and also because sometimes we know that the other person would do the same thing for us, a sacrifice of something they really love just to make us happy.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
Love seems to be an important issue in people`s life... It is true that we can do our best for the ones we care about. But what do you think about the story when they gave the best about themselves even though they were very poor?